Friday, 29 August 2014

Weekend Reads #7

For anyone who viewed my blog this time last year will know that over the course of the summer I reread the Harry Potter series and reviewed each book individually. Well, almost each book. For some reason, once I finished The Deathly Hallows I didn't stick up a review and, whilst I could easily review it without having to reread it for the 100th time, I'm going to anyway. It's been a slow reading month due to my preparations for uni so finding a little comfort in Harry Potter is just what I need. So the book I'm going to tackle this weekend is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by the one and only J.K. Rowling.

As it's such a massive book it'd be more than ambitious to try and finish it over the weekend and find time to start another book. I could easily finish it over the weekend if it was the first time reading it but I always go a little slower with rereads because it's not quite as exciting as the very first time. But then again it's Harry Potter so who knows?

I will however, despite losing my notes on it, try and get my review of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline done at some point this weekend. It's not that it's not a brilliant book and can't do the review without the notes, I just like to take notes down as I go along so I know I've included everything I need to say. If you're a reviewer you'll understand haha; so be sure to look out for that. Until then, why not visit my Harry Potter tag and check out my reviews of the previous 6 books in the series here!