Thursday, 6 June 2013

Book Haul #1

Despite being an avid reader, I've never been one to buy more than a couple of books at a time and even then they tend to be books which are part of series' that I've started and the odd stand alone book here and there.

However, over the last two weeks I've purchased a total of 12 books which is out of the norm for me, nevertheless I'm excited to read all of them. I got them all for bargains, most of which I paid £3.85 for at various UK supermarkets. Even the two books I picked up at Waterstones came to just £5 for them both and that never happens!

Originally this blog was going to be entirely text focused however I figured it'd be best to create a YouTube channel to share my book hauls on and the occasional review here and there. So be sure to click here and subscribe to my channel! Enjoy the video!

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